Notable People & Places of Gastaine
One Hundred and fifteen people of all ages live in and work from the village. Many are children below the age of 15. There are about 15 farms within a four mile radius of the farm and many more semi-permanent hunting, trapper, and charcoal burner huts along the first few miles of the Thornwood to the south. About forty more adults live in these smallholds and rural areas and are responsible for taxes to and should be protected by Gastaine.
1st Letter Sequence: Ethnicity, B=Bretonnian, I=Imperial, T=Tilean
2nd Letter Sequence: Marriage Status M=Married, U=Unmarried, W=Widowed
3rd Letter Sequence: Languages Spoken: B=Bretonnian, R=Reikspiel, T=Tilean
Notable Persons: These people are in direct service to Lord Hochburgland and as such, reside in and carry on their business from Lord’s tower.
1st Letter Sequence: Ethnicity, B=Bretonnian, I=Imperial, T=Tilean
2nd Letter Sequence: Marriage Status M=Married, U=Unmarried, W=Widowed
3rd Letter Sequence: Languages Spoken: B=Bretonnian, R=Reikspiel, T=Tilean
Notable Persons: These people are in direct service to Lord Hochburgland and as such, reside in and carry on their business from Lord’s tower.
Lady Luanna Arguise-Ciannicci (Nee Armengild) 22 B/U/BR
Drambelly Sandyhill, Halfling Steward, 26 H/U/BR
Eodred Bischoff, Bailiff 27 I/U/R
Sebastian Herzog, Herald 25 I/U/R
Eodred Bischoff, Bailiff 27 I/U/R
Sebastian Herzog, Herald 25 I/U/R
Wolfhart Hoch, Contract Soldier 19 I/U/BR
Sgt Horst Pfenning, Hochburg Life Guards, (Died fighting Chaos Revolt 2524)
Foreigners: These four souls are Lady Armengild and her entourage, from the neighboring County of L’Assoine.
Sgt Horst Pfenning, Hochburg Life Guards, (Died fighting Chaos Revolt 2524)
Foreigners: These four souls are Lady Armengild and her entourage, from the neighboring County of L’Assoine.
Luanna Arguise, Lady Ciannicci (Nee Armengild) 22, B/U/BRT
Drambelly Sandyhill, Steward to Lady Ciannicci 25 H/U/BR
Roland D'Assoine, Bodyguard to Lady Ciannicci, 27 B/U/B
Aiden Pules, Guide and Huntsman of Lady Ciannicci, 23 B/U/B
Village Elders: These three men are consulted on most inter-family matters, such as what fields should lie fallow from year to year and what is an acceptable dowry for a young lady. Their importance is minimal, unless they get their teeth into a problem, at which point they will worry it to death, complaining and carrying on no end.
Johann Siggurdsson, Carpenter 54 I/W/BR
Ernst Ulricsson, Furrier 62 I/WW/R
Carlo Cianio, Peasant 68 T/MWWW/TR
Lars Axelbrand, Smith 52 I/M/W/R
Merchants: These two are the only game in the village when it comes to sales or purchasing goods off-season. Tomas has a sundryhouse carrying most common items. Torbald wears rich furs most of the time and can be found for trades at the LL.
Torbald Ulricsson, fur trader 33 I/M/RB
Tomas Gascone, Merchant trader 41 B/M/BRT
Militiamen: These seven men are the only militia that train regularly in the village. Everyone will come to aid in the defense of the palisade, but these seven along with Hoch are the only persons that would consider taking the field outside the walls. Their old sergeant, Roberto Cianio, was killed in the goblin attack in 2523. Eodred elevated Hoch 2524.
Haldred Schnopf, Sergeant 29 I/U/R
Gunnar Horst, Hunter 27 I/M/R
Ernst Tuefel (Deceased fighting goblins Pflugzeit 2524) aged 26 I/M/R
Karl Siggurdsson, Carpenter 28 I/M/R
Jean-Pierre Tissane, Peasant 37 B/W/BR
Magnus Gastaine, Peasant (Deceased fighting goblins Sigmarzeit 2524) 33 B/M/R
Rikkard Tuefel, Peasant 19 I/U/R
Torst Axlebrand Smith 33 I/M/R
Gunter Axlebrand Smith 30 I/M/R
Otto Axlebrand, Smith 28 I/M/R
Tilzer Pentaleit Smith 34 I/M/R
Artisans: These men and their trades are what truly keep Gastaine on the map and desirable to the rulers of the area. The Langs run the only Inn in the village, which is small by imperial standards but also clean and well lit by any standards. The Axlebrands have only recently come to Gastaine. Phillipe was a bandit who attempted to rob Bischoff while on the Lord’s business.
Karl Siggurdsson, Carpenter 28 I/M/R
Johann Siggurdsson, Carpenter 54 I/W/R
Leydon Longallee, Furrier 20 I/U/R
Ernst Ulricsson, Furrier 62 I/MWW/R
Otto Ulricsson, Furrier 38 I/W/R
Ruprick DeGuise, Miller 30 B/M/BR
Linus Lang, Innkeeper 46 I/MW/R
Fay Lang, Innkeeper 27 I/M/R
Lars Axlebrand Master Smith 52 I/W/R
Torst Axlebrand Smith 33 I/M/R
Gunter Axlebrand Smith 30 I/M/R
Otto Axlebrand, Smith 28 I/M/R
Tilzer Pentaleit Smith 34 I/M/R
Phillipe Dupense, Cooper 33 B/U/BRT
Trappers: Horst and Tilzer are two of the meanest, darkest souls to be found outside a chaos cult. They generally do not linger overmuch in the village itself, only staying within the village palisade every few nights after drinking themselves into a stupor at ‘The Stair’. Most of the other trappers reside full-time in the holdfasts outside the village proper.
Haldred Schnopf, Trapper 29 I/U/R
Gunnar Horst, Trapper 27 I/M/R
Morgan Tilzer, Trapper 22 I/M/R
Woodsmen: These men spend much of their time looking for the best and most accessible trees to cull from the Thornwood. Very few horses or oxen means that each log brought back is a monumental task that is not undertaken lightly. Rinauld is also an initiate of Taal, and is very careful to insure that each tree culled is first given last rites and proper respects.
Hugo Fenning, Scout 33 I/W/R
Conrad Horst, Hunter 30 I/U/R
Durnhelm Weber, Woodsman 29 I/U/R
Dirk Tissane, Woodsman 17 B/U/BR
Rinauld Tissane, Charcoal burner 38 B/W/BR
Women: The women of Gastaine are no more attractive or ugly than those from elsewhere. Greta is Linus’ daughter from his earlier marriage and is quite pretty in a small village way. Lorraine missed her calling as an Initiate of Shallya.
Fay Lang, Innkeeper 27 I/M/R
Greta Lang, Servant 17 I/U/R
Oswalda Gastaine, Camp Follower 23 B/U/BR
Nicole Toulenne, Camp follower 22 B/U/BR
Lianna Cianio, Servant 22 T/M/TR
Lorraine DeGuise, Mid-wife 29 B/M/BR
Drambelly Sandyhill, Halfling Steward 25 H/U/BR
Notable Buildings:
Inn: The sign of two stylized Ls, one lower than the other and crossing the higher one’s foot, leading it to be known to outsiders and the unlettered as the Stair Inn. Owner operators are the Langs. Both Oswalda Gastaine and Nicole Toulenne work there, and both are of negotiable virtue. It has about six private rooms, one of which is much larger than the others.
Mill: This large building has power uptakes for both the gristwork and sawmill, depending on the season. It also maintains storage and seasoning areas for lumber and grain. The Deguises live on the premises as well.
Tanning Huts: A cluster of buildings for drying and curing hides and furs, they often reek of rotting flesh. Imported slat barrels are stacked against the side of the building, as well as cord after cord of wood for smoking the vermin from the raw furs.
Shallyan Shrine: Unmanned, but lovingly maintained, mostly by the women of the village and occasionally visited by traveling priestesses and initiates. The white lady is a finely crafted icon.
The Place of Plenty: An area of inside the Thornwood special to Taal and Rhya, it is a holy place that only dedicants of those gods may be brought to, and then only with the approval of the high priest of Taal. No one who knows who the high priest is will tell a non-dedicant, and it is uncertain whether he lives in the wilds or Gastaine.
The Lord’s Tower: A two story square stone tower built in ages past as a defense for the village with a root cellar and second basement oubliette. The village built a manor in 2524 for Lady Ciannicci, attaching it to the tower. Drambelly, Bischoff, and Wolfhart live in the Tower when the Lady is not present. One of the local women serves as a maid to keep the place tidy and Bischoff from smelling like a stoat.
The Smithy: Built in the fall of 2524 by the people of Gastaine at Bischoff’s direction, the forge was completed by the Axlebrands, who were enticed into coming to the village by several offers made on behalf of Lord Ciannicci by Bischoff.
The Shrine to Sigmar: A small three walled structure backing onto the smithy. An impressive icon of Sigmar within it. Lovingly maintained by the Axelbrand clan, the shrine was dedicated and blessed by Magnus, an anointed priest of Sigmar in early spring of 2525.
Roland D'Assoine, Bodyguard to Lady Ciannicci, 27 B/U/B
Aiden Pules, Guide and Huntsman of Lady Ciannicci, 23 B/U/B
Village Elders: These three men are consulted on most inter-family matters, such as what fields should lie fallow from year to year and what is an acceptable dowry for a young lady. Their importance is minimal, unless they get their teeth into a problem, at which point they will worry it to death, complaining and carrying on no end.
Johann Siggurdsson, Carpenter 54 I/W/BR
Ernst Ulricsson, Furrier 62 I/WW/R
Carlo Cianio, Peasant 68 T/MWWW/TR
Lars Axelbrand, Smith 52 I/M/W/R
Merchants: These two are the only game in the village when it comes to sales or purchasing goods off-season. Tomas has a sundryhouse carrying most common items. Torbald wears rich furs most of the time and can be found for trades at the LL.
Torbald Ulricsson, fur trader 33 I/M/RB
Tomas Gascone, Merchant trader 41 B/M/BRT
Militiamen: These seven men are the only militia that train regularly in the village. Everyone will come to aid in the defense of the palisade, but these seven along with Hoch are the only persons that would consider taking the field outside the walls. Their old sergeant, Roberto Cianio, was killed in the goblin attack in 2523. Eodred elevated Hoch 2524.
Haldred Schnopf, Sergeant 29 I/U/R
Gunnar Horst, Hunter 27 I/M/R
Ernst Tuefel (Deceased fighting goblins Pflugzeit 2524) aged 26 I/M/R
Karl Siggurdsson, Carpenter 28 I/M/R
Jean-Pierre Tissane, Peasant 37 B/W/BR
Magnus Gastaine, Peasant (Deceased fighting goblins Sigmarzeit 2524) 33 B/M/R
Rikkard Tuefel, Peasant 19 I/U/R
Torst Axlebrand Smith 33 I/M/R
Gunter Axlebrand Smith 30 I/M/R
Otto Axlebrand, Smith 28 I/M/R
Tilzer Pentaleit Smith 34 I/M/R
Artisans: These men and their trades are what truly keep Gastaine on the map and desirable to the rulers of the area. The Langs run the only Inn in the village, which is small by imperial standards but also clean and well lit by any standards. The Axlebrands have only recently come to Gastaine. Phillipe was a bandit who attempted to rob Bischoff while on the Lord’s business.
Karl Siggurdsson, Carpenter 28 I/M/R
Johann Siggurdsson, Carpenter 54 I/W/R
Leydon Longallee, Furrier 20 I/U/R
Ernst Ulricsson, Furrier 62 I/MWW/R
Otto Ulricsson, Furrier 38 I/W/R
Ruprick DeGuise, Miller 30 B/M/BR
Linus Lang, Innkeeper 46 I/MW/R
Fay Lang, Innkeeper 27 I/M/R
Lars Axlebrand Master Smith 52 I/W/R
Torst Axlebrand Smith 33 I/M/R
Gunter Axlebrand Smith 30 I/M/R
Otto Axlebrand, Smith 28 I/M/R
Tilzer Pentaleit Smith 34 I/M/R
Phillipe Dupense, Cooper 33 B/U/BRT
Trappers: Horst and Tilzer are two of the meanest, darkest souls to be found outside a chaos cult. They generally do not linger overmuch in the village itself, only staying within the village palisade every few nights after drinking themselves into a stupor at ‘The Stair’. Most of the other trappers reside full-time in the holdfasts outside the village proper.
Haldred Schnopf, Trapper 29 I/U/R
Gunnar Horst, Trapper 27 I/M/R
Morgan Tilzer, Trapper 22 I/M/R
Woodsmen: These men spend much of their time looking for the best and most accessible trees to cull from the Thornwood. Very few horses or oxen means that each log brought back is a monumental task that is not undertaken lightly. Rinauld is also an initiate of Taal, and is very careful to insure that each tree culled is first given last rites and proper respects.
Hugo Fenning, Scout 33 I/W/R
Conrad Horst, Hunter 30 I/U/R
Durnhelm Weber, Woodsman 29 I/U/R
Dirk Tissane, Woodsman 17 B/U/BR
Rinauld Tissane, Charcoal burner 38 B/W/BR
Women: The women of Gastaine are no more attractive or ugly than those from elsewhere. Greta is Linus’ daughter from his earlier marriage and is quite pretty in a small village way. Lorraine missed her calling as an Initiate of Shallya.
Fay Lang, Innkeeper 27 I/M/R
Greta Lang, Servant 17 I/U/R
Oswalda Gastaine, Camp Follower 23 B/U/BR
Nicole Toulenne, Camp follower 22 B/U/BR
Lianna Cianio, Servant 22 T/M/TR
Lorraine DeGuise, Mid-wife 29 B/M/BR
Drambelly Sandyhill, Halfling Steward 25 H/U/BR
Notable Buildings:
Inn: The sign of two stylized Ls, one lower than the other and crossing the higher one’s foot, leading it to be known to outsiders and the unlettered as the Stair Inn. Owner operators are the Langs. Both Oswalda Gastaine and Nicole Toulenne work there, and both are of negotiable virtue. It has about six private rooms, one of which is much larger than the others.
Mill: This large building has power uptakes for both the gristwork and sawmill, depending on the season. It also maintains storage and seasoning areas for lumber and grain. The Deguises live on the premises as well.
Tanning Huts: A cluster of buildings for drying and curing hides and furs, they often reek of rotting flesh. Imported slat barrels are stacked against the side of the building, as well as cord after cord of wood for smoking the vermin from the raw furs.
Shallyan Shrine: Unmanned, but lovingly maintained, mostly by the women of the village and occasionally visited by traveling priestesses and initiates. The white lady is a finely crafted icon.
The Place of Plenty: An area of inside the Thornwood special to Taal and Rhya, it is a holy place that only dedicants of those gods may be brought to, and then only with the approval of the high priest of Taal. No one who knows who the high priest is will tell a non-dedicant, and it is uncertain whether he lives in the wilds or Gastaine.
The Lord’s Tower: A two story square stone tower built in ages past as a defense for the village with a root cellar and second basement oubliette. The village built a manor in 2524 for Lady Ciannicci, attaching it to the tower. Drambelly, Bischoff, and Wolfhart live in the Tower when the Lady is not present. One of the local women serves as a maid to keep the place tidy and Bischoff from smelling like a stoat.
The Smithy: Built in the fall of 2524 by the people of Gastaine at Bischoff’s direction, the forge was completed by the Axlebrands, who were enticed into coming to the village by several offers made on behalf of Lord Ciannicci by Bischoff.
The Shrine to Sigmar: A small three walled structure backing onto the smithy. An impressive icon of Sigmar within it. Lovingly maintained by the Axelbrand clan, the shrine was dedicated and blessed by Magnus, an anointed priest of Sigmar in early spring of 2525.
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