A Brief History of The Eastfold:
Four Thousand Years Ago:
Several Large Meteors strike, creating the Stinkmarsh and atainting the land.
Three Thousand Five Hundred Years Ago:
Dwarves and their works cover the entirety of the Eastfold. An Outpost of Karak-Eight-Peaks, Dwarfholm, is founded, as are a number of Outposts in the lowlands to the West and South.
Three Thousand Three Hundred Years Ago:
Dwarven Citadel crushed by explosive eruption of Mount Ferguz. Greenskins rampage nearly unchecked as the Dwarves fight with the Elves.
Two Thousand Eight Hundred Years Ago:
Khemrian King establishes a city of great wealth at the foot of dormant volcano they call Nehektah. Nehektah is plagued by Chaos cults which seem bent on the destruction of the Kingdom.
Two thousand Four Hundred Years Ago
Sigmar is believed to have rested in the area before moving on to his ascension to Godhood. Many are the villages that claim his passage to this day, but Blackfen Keep is best known outside of the Eastfold, as the claim has persisted longest and even been upheld by several Grand Theogonists.
Two Thousand Three Hundred Years Ago:
Mount Nehektah erupts catastrophically, burying much of the City and breaking the power of its King, even in Undeath. Eruption also creates the Broken and Burnt lands, altering the course of the River Black.
One Thousand Five Hundred Years Ago:
Muzzaf Al’Farrouz, Prince of Araby invades the land and establishes the City of Al-Madimia at the confluence of The Rivers Black and Thornwood. Many Greenskins killed by the hand of Muzzaf. Al-Farrouz’s sons are not as proficient as he, but still manage to hold onto power for some time, though Skaven attacks and Greenskin raids are a constant problem.
One Thousand One Hundred Years ago
(Errantry War of 1449-1465) A Bretonnian army under Jean Paul Sans Pitie sacks Al-Madimia. Jean Paul is a powerful ruler who established a Princedom he calls the Eastfold. Sans Pitie divides the land under his control up amongst his underlings, managing to hold onto much of the territory for two generations before internal dissention rips his Kingdom asunder. Greenskins multiply and finish the entropy begun at the hand of man.
One Thousand to Three Hundred Years Ago:
Dwarfs are alone, fighting Greenskin and Skaven alike. Surviving human villages and outposts all owe their existence to the doughty Dwarfs and their army. The populations of the villages around the lake which would eventually become the Blackfen disappear almost overnight. Castle Blackfen recognized for the first time by a Grand Theogonist.
Three Hundred to One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago:
Re-establishment of order in the Empire and worship of Sigmar leads to several wars of Holy Conquest launched from both Nuln and Altdorf. Greenskins slaughtered in droves by the Templar Armies and the area is re-settled by Men of The Empire. Blackfen affirmed as a powerful religious center for the worship of Sigmar in the region, indeed as the most powerful outside the Empire.
One Hundred Years Ago:
Establishment of the Blackfen Alliance. It is formed in response to increased Greenskin activity and a drawdown in Sigmarite Templars in the area. Initial members are: Dwarfholm, Blackfen, the Barony of Blades, The County of L’Assoine, The Rittermark, and the Wassermark.
Seventy-Eight Years Ago:
Blackfen itself Falls prey to the Neiglish Rot, an incredibly foul and virulent plague that takes most of the populace of Blackfen, gutting that principality from within. Chaos Cults are to blame, primarily the Foetid Breath, which summons a Greater Daemon of Nurgle called Uthglockmorh. Uthglockmorh is said to still infest the land, waiting to unleash further horrors on the Eastfold.
Several Large Meteors strike, creating the Stinkmarsh and atainting the land.
Three Thousand Five Hundred Years Ago:
Dwarves and their works cover the entirety of the Eastfold. An Outpost of Karak-Eight-Peaks, Dwarfholm, is founded, as are a number of Outposts in the lowlands to the West and South.
Three Thousand Three Hundred Years Ago:
Dwarven Citadel crushed by explosive eruption of Mount Ferguz. Greenskins rampage nearly unchecked as the Dwarves fight with the Elves.
Two Thousand Eight Hundred Years Ago:
Khemrian King establishes a city of great wealth at the foot of dormant volcano they call Nehektah. Nehektah is plagued by Chaos cults which seem bent on the destruction of the Kingdom.
Two thousand Four Hundred Years Ago
Sigmar is believed to have rested in the area before moving on to his ascension to Godhood. Many are the villages that claim his passage to this day, but Blackfen Keep is best known outside of the Eastfold, as the claim has persisted longest and even been upheld by several Grand Theogonists.
Two Thousand Three Hundred Years Ago:
Mount Nehektah erupts catastrophically, burying much of the City and breaking the power of its King, even in Undeath. Eruption also creates the Broken and Burnt lands, altering the course of the River Black.
One Thousand Five Hundred Years Ago:
Muzzaf Al’Farrouz, Prince of Araby invades the land and establishes the City of Al-Madimia at the confluence of The Rivers Black and Thornwood. Many Greenskins killed by the hand of Muzzaf. Al-Farrouz’s sons are not as proficient as he, but still manage to hold onto power for some time, though Skaven attacks and Greenskin raids are a constant problem.
One Thousand One Hundred Years ago
(Errantry War of 1449-1465) A Bretonnian army under Jean Paul Sans Pitie sacks Al-Madimia. Jean Paul is a powerful ruler who established a Princedom he calls the Eastfold. Sans Pitie divides the land under his control up amongst his underlings, managing to hold onto much of the territory for two generations before internal dissention rips his Kingdom asunder. Greenskins multiply and finish the entropy begun at the hand of man.
One Thousand to Three Hundred Years Ago:
Dwarfs are alone, fighting Greenskin and Skaven alike. Surviving human villages and outposts all owe their existence to the doughty Dwarfs and their army. The populations of the villages around the lake which would eventually become the Blackfen disappear almost overnight. Castle Blackfen recognized for the first time by a Grand Theogonist.
Three Hundred to One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago:
Re-establishment of order in the Empire and worship of Sigmar leads to several wars of Holy Conquest launched from both Nuln and Altdorf. Greenskins slaughtered in droves by the Templar Armies and the area is re-settled by Men of The Empire. Blackfen affirmed as a powerful religious center for the worship of Sigmar in the region, indeed as the most powerful outside the Empire.
One Hundred Years Ago:
Establishment of the Blackfen Alliance. It is formed in response to increased Greenskin activity and a drawdown in Sigmarite Templars in the area. Initial members are: Dwarfholm, Blackfen, the Barony of Blades, The County of L’Assoine, The Rittermark, and the Wassermark.
Seventy-Eight Years Ago:
Blackfen itself Falls prey to the Neiglish Rot, an incredibly foul and virulent plague that takes most of the populace of Blackfen, gutting that principality from within. Chaos Cults are to blame, primarily the Foetid Breath, which summons a Greater Daemon of Nurgle called Uthglockmorh. Uthglockmorh is said to still infest the land, waiting to unleash further horrors on the Eastfold.
Seventy-Seven Years Ago:
Dwaldrin Snorrikson becomes master of Dwarfholm. Blackfen Alliance begins to push back at the chaos creatures adn palgue that has overrun much of its namesake member state. Shallyan hospital established in Kreigdorf, then a village of the County of L'Assoine.
Seventy-Five Years ago:
The Blackfen Alliance finally shatters the hold of the Daemon Uthglockmorh and the Cult of Foetid Breath on Blackfen’s lands, defeating the Daemon at the Battle of SouthKeep. Blackfen left a broken shadow of itself in the wake of the cult's depredations as well as the plague. Chaos Forces still hold sway over Blackridge Keep and much of the Blackfen is unsafe. Several tiny principalities emerge from the ruins, namely the Zeibwald Barony and the Southwood Association.
The Blackfen Alliance finally shatters the hold of the Daemon Uthglockmorh and the Cult of Foetid Breath on Blackfen’s lands, defeating the Daemon at the Battle of SouthKeep. Blackfen left a broken shadow of itself in the wake of the cult's depredations as well as the plague. Chaos Forces still hold sway over Blackridge Keep and much of the Blackfen is unsafe. Several tiny principalities emerge from the ruins, namely the Zeibwald Barony and the Southwood Association.
Fifty to Forty Four Years Ago:
Barony of Blades and the County of L'Assoine break from the Blackfen Alliance. A short war ensues, with the County of L'assoine being reduced by the Alliance to a mere three villages. With the upsurge in greenskin activity that the humans provoke by fighting amongst themselves, The Blackfen Alliance proves incapable of maintaining rule over the villages wrested from the County and two more tiny principalities emerge in the ensuing chaos: The Pontificate of Kreigdorf and The Barony of Hochburgland.
Twenty Five Years Ago:
Ascent of Supreme Pontiff Jurgen Holden to leadership of Kreigdorf. Barony of Hochburgland takes village of Gastaine at Battle of Thorn Hill.
Twenty Two Years Ago:
Waldon Du Foret takes his father's throne in an orderly ascension, begins making peaceful overtures to nearly all principalities in the area, reversing his father's policies. He has much success driving the greenskins from his lands. Father Nachtmann, an Imperial Priest Of Sigmar, leads a band of adventurers and Templars into Blackridge Keep, destroying a Chaos power there and cleansing the taint from the Keep by burning the entirety.
Seventeen Years Ago:
Father Nachtmann assumes mantle of Lord Templar of Blackfen with a quorum of the Templke Knights and soon makes overtures to his southern neighbors, the Zeibwald Barony and Southwood Association, to form an alliance. Both accept within the year.
Thirteen Years Ago:
The Sandstrong Concern established under Marco Antonello, a Tilean merchant. The iron pulled by his miners from Orc Midden is prized by all the princes in the region as it is marginally stronger for some reason.
Seven to Five Years Ago:
The Rittermark is taken over by "Prince" Mathias Freuh in a bloody-handed coup. The heir to Wassermark is slain, apparantly on accident, during the coup. Wassermark/Rittermark war begins shortly afterward, with several villages and many setllements on both sides destroyed. The low intensity conflict drags the rest of the Blackfen Alliance into the war, though the entire alliance has not taken the field against Freuh as he made careful requests and bribes to The Barony of Blades to deny right of passage to Blackfen, The Southwood Association, and Zeibwald Barony.
Four Years Ago:
The Lord of Wassermark slain at battle of Gunbalhof six years ago, rule assumed by his second in command, Lord Goswin Abelhart. War continues unabated, greenskins begin to flourish without the hand of man to whittle their numbers down.
One Year Ago:
Count Jean-Hervee Trudeau assumes throne of the County of L'Assoine at age of 18. He reaffirms his familial oath of fealty to the Barony Of Blades as his first act. Trudeau does not immiately press Hochburgland for his claim to the Village of Gastaine, instead he begins to negotiate the marriage of his sister-in-law to the current Baron of Hochburgland, Lord Ricardo Ciannicci.
Six Months Ago:
Rittermark launches a fresh offensive against The Wassermark and bottles up Dwarf forces in Dwarfholm Valley. Father Nachtmann calls on both his southern alliance members and neighbors to bring their troops to march through The Barony of Blades with or without Baron Du Foret's permission and aid Wassermark. Both smaller powers refuse, and punitive raids sent out by an enraged Nachtmann are repulsed with losses on both sides.
2523 by the Imperial Calendar:
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